Frequently Asked Questions

Búsqueda de contenido

Buscador facetado
Motor de búsqueda basado en Solr
Etiquetas utilizadas


Is Fez OAI-compliant?
How can I export record list from Fez?


How does UQ eSpace count download statistics?

Buscador facetado
Dispone de un buscador facetado, es decir, junto con el resultado de la búsqueda aparencen una serie de campos para búsquedas en Fez. Es muy util para localizar otros videos de la misma serie, año.. puesto que cada campo se puede utilzar como un filtro. Este fue uno de los beneficios de utilizar Apache Solr como el motor de búsqueda de Fez, junto con el texto completo (por ejemplo, PDF) o el resaltado de texto en los metadatos
Motor de búsqueda basado en Solr
Fez emplea como motor de búsqueda Solr. Esto permite una búsqueda más potente desde el cuadro de búsqueda rápida.

Ahora puedes buscar por nombres de autores en búsqueda rápida. Puede utilizar comodines como * para múltiples caracteres, por ejemplo, experimento * o ? para un solo carácter, por ejemplo, wom?n. También puedes utilzar la búsqueda de proximidad y la lógica booleana + y -. Más detalles en
Etiquetas utilizadas

Clasificaciones utilizadas



Is Fez OAI-compliant?
The Open Archives Initiative (OAI) develops and promotes interoperability standards to facilitate the efficient dissemination of content. UQ eSpace complies with these standards and information about the works deposited in our archive is open access and can be harvested, for example, by Internet search engines or by cross-archive search tools such as OAIster.
Fez's base URL for OAI harvesters is
How can I export record list from Fez?
This can be done by searching for your author ID. Papers can then be output in a range of formats including RSS feeds, XML feeds, Word and Excel files or as HTML to incorporate into other websites. Pick the desired output format from the Display Results drop down list.
How does UQ eSpace count download statistics?
The aim of UQ eSpace’s download statistics is to show the extent of genuine human interest in the material we showcase within the repository.

UQ eSpace statistics are calculated and updated hourly. Generally, each click on a record counts as a download. A ‘download’ may be of a view of the record’s abstract page or it might be a click to open an open access file attached to that record, e.g. a full text PDF or an image. Please note that some full-text attachments are not publicly accessible. These are described as not publicly available and access will remain restricted for copyright reasons.

Abstract views and full downloads are counted separately, and separate tallies for them are available for each record. Where a record shows counts for abstract views only, this is generally because the record has no attached datastream (or file).

However, there are certain types of access that are not included in final counts. These accesses are collected in logs, since logs record all activity to do with records, but are excluded from final counts. There are two main exclusions from counts:

1. Activity by search engine crawlers, e.g. the Googlebot for Google, and crawlers from other services such as Yahoo!, ninemsn, and so on

2. The exclusion of double clicks is designed to keep statistics as meaningful as possible.

Other exclusions from counts include ‘Bad Requests’, ‘404 File Not Found’ errors, and clicks by people who do not have sufficient rights to view the object in question. Since such clicks would not be successful, they are discounted.